Leafe was founded for Chefs, by Chefs.

We are built by people who know how hard you work.

Join the movement for good food

Less time on paperwork, more time on what matters.

Leafe allows you to manage your business like a pro with all the tools you need to run your food business in a simplified, fast, and easy-to-use system that gives you more time to work on good food (and maybe even get some time off!).

Ensure your business has the best chance of achieving the top food hygiene rating

100% of Leafe users have either moved up to or maintained a top food hygiene rating of 5.

And using Leafe was the primary step they took to achieve just that.

Enterprise-level features at an affordable price.

Access enterprise-level tools for an affordable monthly subscription. Leafe lets you implement easy-to-use digital hygiene and allergen management, inventory and stock-taking, digital rota and shift management, food waste tracking, and analytics usually only available to large multi-site businesses.

Leafe’s no.1 user group are owner-operators and independents

Join a Community That Gets You

At Leafe, we understand your world. We celebrate the relentless pursuit of flavour, the grit and determination that define your craft. When you choose Leafe, you join a community of passionate chefs who value excellence, efficiency, and good food above all else. Together, we can create a movement that revolutionises kitchen management and sets new standards for culinary brilliance.

Optimise your hygiene rating, and save time for your team

Start your free trial today to see how Leafe can help your team save time and how you could improve or maintain your venue’s high food safety standards.