Managing Fridge Temperatures for Safe Food

Have you ever wondered why some food in your fridge spoils quickly or smells funny? The answer may lie in the temperature of your fridge. As a chef, it's your responsibility to ensure that the food you serve is not only delicious but also safe for consumption. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of maintaining the correct fridge temperature for food safety and the steps you can take to achieve this. 

What temperature should your fridge and freezer be set at?

The recommended fridge temperature for storing food safely is 5°C (41°F), and the freezer temperature should be -18°C (0°F). It's crucial to keep your fridge temperature consistent to avoid causing any damage to your food products. A consistent temperature is also essential to prevent the growth of bacteria and spoilage.

What is the procedure for chilling food safely?

Chilling food properly can extend its shelf life, keeping it fresh for longer. The process of safe chilling involves dividing food into smaller portions and cooling it down to 4°C (39°F) within two hours. Cover the hot food and let it reach room temperature, before transferring it to a cold area like a walk-in fridge or freezer to speed up the cooling process. 

How do I make sure the fridge is set at a correct temperature for storing food safely?

The best way to ensure that your fridge is operating at the correct temperature is to use a refrigerator thermometer. It's essential to regularly check and adjust the settings to maintain the correct temperature. If you have multiple fridges and freezers, it is integral to ensure they are all kept at a consistent temperature. Keeping accurate records of your fridges and freezers is also crucial for auditing purposes. You can also use a digital system, like Leafe, to record all your fridge/freezer temperatures as part of your opening and closing routines, 75% faster than with traditional paper logs.

What should you do if the fridge temperature is too high?

It's not uncommon for the temperature of your fridge to fluctuate, but it's vital to address the issue as soon as possible. If the temperature has risen above the safe level, check the temperature of the food, and if it’s still at a safe temperature, move it to another fridge as soon as possible. Adjust the thermostat of the fridge and ensure proper ventilation. Check for any blockages that may be obstructing airflow. If the issue persists, consider professional servicing. Always remember to document the temperature readings and log any safety issues. Digital systems like Leafe allow you to leave a comment at the end of your fridge/freezer log, so you can flag up any issues.

In Conclusion:

Maintaining a consistent fridge temperature is vital for food safety and plays a significant role in keeping food fresh and safe for consumption. As chefs, we should always strive to maintain the correct temperature to avoid any potential health risks associated with poorly managed refrigerated food. The tips discussed in this blog post will help you to maintain the correct temperature and prolong the shelf life of your food products. By practising good food hygiene and taking food safety seriously, we can create delicious meals that are both healthy and safe to eat.

Want to finally start clocking out on time? Take your closing fridge and freezer temperatures 70% faster with Leafe.


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