Discover Real Stories From The Kitchens

Accor Hotels
Hotel Izza Wei-Haas Hotel Izza Wei-Haas

Accor Hotels

We've gone from having 14 members of staff involved in record keeping, to just 2 since we've adopted Leafe.

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Cakesmith Group
Cafe, Restaurant Izza Wei-Haas Cafe, Restaurant Izza Wei-Haas

Cakesmith Group

Leafe has challenged the way we as a food business think about handling records and provides a solution that removes paperwork and consolidates it within an easy to use app.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • We use Stripe to facilitate most of our online payments. We can also set up direct debit/BACs payments on request, just get in touch with support.

  • Yes, absolutely. You can cancel your subscription at any time and your account will be closed from when your next billing cycle starts.

  • Your free trial gives you complete access to the pro plan features, you can edit your plan and upgrade to a different tier when your free trial comes to an end.

  • Just click the chat button in the corner of the screen to talk to one of our team and you can book a 15-minute call with a member of our team!

  • You can find app guides in video format here under "Video Tutorials".

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